
What to Bring to a Pool Party: Pool Party Essentials

Pool Party Essentials

Well, hello there, groovy cats and water babies! Are you fed up with housekeeping and bored with life indoors and up for a fun bath and some fun in the sun? People it’s time to step it up a notch and bring out the glory in yourself like never before!

We know what you’re thinking: “Why should I swap out my phone for a pool party?” Well, dear our lovely Gen Z friends, there is nothing, I reiterate, nothing like the spirit of the aqua life.

Picture this: the sun is out, the beats are hot, and the water in the swimming pool colors calls out to you to come and take the plunge. It is perhaps the best way to break the normal routine and reality and have fun, share some jokes with friends, and remain cheerful as you laugh to a better and everlasting memory.

But wait, there’s more! Let me quickly clarify that when we speak of the pool party, it’s not just a picnic by the pool with some snacks and drinks; no, we’re talking about the necessities of the ultimate pool party that is going to rock freakin’! Inflationary unicorns, water slides, and food, you don’t even get to name the specific kind because it is a dream world. It proclaims parties, fun, and probably one, two, three, or four cannonballs for good measure.

So, the young generation, are you prepared to say goodbye to screens and welcome a true poolside feel? Do you want to enjoy the sun, go swimming or swim, and maybe even put on a dancing show?

If the answer is yes (and let’s face it, when is it NOT, right?), grab your tub of sunscreen, slip on your favorite swimwear, and get ready to party in some serious style as part of the coolest pool party crew in town.

Basic Checklist for the Essentials for a Pool Party

Here is a checklist table for the essential items to bring to a pool party, with a brief description of each item:

Item Description Checked
Swimsuit Comfortable, well-fitting swimwear for swimming and water activities.
Towel Large, absorbent towel to dry off after swimming.
Sunscreen High-SPF sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays.
Hat/Sunglasses Sun protection for your face and eyes.
Cover-Up Lightweight clothing to wear over your swimsuit.
Pool Toys Inflatable rafts, pool noodles, and beach balls for fun in the water.
Snacks Easy-to-eat foods like fruit, chips, and sandwiches.
Drinks Water, juice, soda, or other beverages to stay hydrated.
Cooler Insulated container to keep your drinks and snacks cool.
Music Portable speaker or your phone to play music at the pool party.
Games Cards, frisbee, or other games for entertainment.
Extra Clothes A change of clothes for after the pool party.
Trash Bags For disposing of any waste or trash during the event.
First Aid Kit Basic supplies for minor injuries or accidents.
Floats Inflatable loungers or rafts for relaxing in the pool.
Waterproof Phone Case To protect your phone from water damage.
Chairs/Loungers Comfortable seating around the pool area.
Bug Spray To keep mosquitoes and other insects at bay.
Hand Sanitizer For quick and easy hand hygiene.

Remember to check off essentials for a pool party to ensure you have everything you need for a fun and safe time! Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional items to add to the list.

What to Take to a Pool Party as a Host

Here are the key things to take to a pool party as the host: 

Provide a variety of refreshing drinks:

Cold tea, lemonade, fruit punch and other soft products, such as different types of sodas or beers, to meet the consumers preferences.

Make sure there’s enough ice and a suitable cooler for storing the drinks at low temperatures.

Offer a selection of tasty snacks and food:

The following are some general snacks that people enjoy at parties, game nights, or while watching a movie: potato chips, tortilla chips with salsa/guacamole/queso, cold salads such as potato salad or coleslaw, pasta salad or any other suitable pasta dish and so on.

This applies to any salads that are made and served with mayonnaise since this increases the likelihood of food poisoning.

Have pool toys and games available:

These common pool floaters are inflatable rafts, pool noodles, toys such as inflatable beach balls, and moveable pool volleyball/basketball apparatus.

These aid in participating with the guests and establishing a jovial environment at the occasion.

Provide sun protection essentials:

Sun cream lotion for additional use for guests who may have left their items behind and hats and sunglasses as well.

Consider other useful items:

Trash bags that are used especially for cleaning up exercise

Towels for guests, hair ties for the ladies, and a portable fan to ensure the guests are comfortable.

Cups with lending sticks with which guests put their names on the cups of the beverages they take

Emergency Theseparedness:

The charger or the portable power bank either to ensure you can connect yourself if anything crops up when you are out.

It is also essential to include contact information in case of an emergency call or any nearby medical facility.

As the host, the benefits of owning a pool include the availability of anything your guests will need for the pool party to succeed. Planning their needs in advance, along with offering different types of food, entertainment games, and services, will ensure that your guests also do not experience any inconvenience.

What to Bring to a Pool Party as a Guest

When going for a pool party as a guest, you must ensure you carry along all the necessary items just in case you need them besides being a way of being considerate towards the hosts. Here’s a detailed list of items to bring to a pool party as a guest:


This is one of the important things to wear to the pool party! By selecting your preferred swimwear in terms of style and glamour, you are set to hit the water and engage in the fun.


Before leaving the house, you should make sure to bring a towel with your swimming or sunbathing outfit to help dry yourself thereafter. Choose a lightweight, thin, and quick-to-dry towel that you can fold and put in your traveling bag conveniently.

Sun Protection

In addition to applying sunscreen, one should also pack a pair of aging sunglasses to reduce sun glare while utilizing the eyes and also pack a wide-brimmed hat or cap to cover the face.


It’s wise to pack flip flops or water shoes to avoid burning your feet on the hot terrains and otherwise uncomfortable feet from rough flooring of pool installers in PA. They will also be quite useful during a leisurely stroll in the compound especially in the area surrounding the swimming pool. 

Waterproof Bag

It’s advisable to carry a waterproof bag or tote to diminish the chances of wetting individual belongings while swimming or merely sunbathing beside the pool. This will assist in making sure that your necessities and other things at your disposal are secured throughout the day.

Drinks and Snacks

It may be helpful to consider if you would like to bring in your own food and drinks for you and your guests to consume during the occasion. Carry your own reusable water bottle with water for drinking while a small container with water for washing your mouth during the packing take some fruits, nuts or chips to snack in between.


If you have any pool area games or equipment, swimming pool toys like a beach ball float, etc, feel free to bring them to share with the other holidaymakers. It does not matter what they are as long as you choose the right ones for the pool and they will not cause a disturbance to the party.

Pool Party Games to Play

Barbeque and Pool parties tend to be lively events where people go to enjoy time in the sun and frolic with their loved ones. Here are some things to bring to a pool party for gaming to keep the entertainment going:

Marco Polo

One of the traditional pool games where one player has to shut his or her eyes and say out loud, ‘Marco.’ The rest of the players will reply with ‘Polo.’ The player who has been selected will try to locate the other players and rely on the sound of their voices to catch them.

Water Volleyball

This is swimming pool games for adult involves creating a line using a web of nets and separating the people into groups. It can also be played with a beach ball or inflatable volleyball to add some fun to the game and competition.

Chicken Fight

If, for example, the number of people is 8, then divide into groups, each comprising two people: one as a rider and the other as a horse. Players try to topple each other over into the water mainly by shoving or grabbing competitors.

Diving for Treasures

Throw given pool gadgets such as beach balls, some coins, or dive sticks into the water and give each player a trial to swim and pull them into the water. The game is simple, and its aim is to gather as many treasures as possible while avoiding enemy units.

Enjoy being splashed by others and splashing them with water while playing these pool party games. Gather your pool attire, invite your friends, and let the summer begin! 

In the End- The Fun Must Go On!

So sometimes, we must remember that enjoyment can continue long after the series or the movie is over and everyone has stopped laughing.

From pool parties, barbeque parties and any things to bring to a pool party with friends, families and loved ones, the moments that you will spend together as a group are times that you will cherish for the rest of your lives. 

Therefore, as the day ends and the sun goes down, continue the festivity and proclivity, telling the stories and planning the next celebration. Nay, life is all too short to be wasted in mourning and sorrow and to have no jolly moments at all!

Do you have any concerns about updating your backyard or pool renovation?

Interested in a free quote? Feel free to give us a call today at (267) 629-2144 or email us at [email protected].